The gas station thrived and Joe married a beautiful blonde Norwegian nurse from Minnesota named Ruth Bergseid, who worked at the Coachella Valley Hospital in Indio. They married June 25, j1934. Those first days were primitive, ...
Unfortunately, one is obliged to wade through many pages of extraneous material in order to discover and savour these sidelights on the management of a Midland shooting estate, and in this reviewer's opinion this book cannot take the place of J. R. Miller's Practical ..... Mark Bergseid 04.11.08 at 9:45 pm. Dang, a nest of intellectuals. Where am I? 56. aaron 04.11.08 at 9:59 pm. No link to buy the book? Isn't that just common courtesy? 57. Youffraita 04.11.08 at 10:43 pm ...
This already dated novel is set inside the head of an ageing, divorced, alcoholic, insomniac supervisor of security installations who is tippling in the bedroom of a small Scottish bhotel/b. Though full of depressing memories and b...../b Mark bBergseid/b 04.11.08 at 9:45 pm. Dang, a nest of intellectuals. Where am I? 56. aaron 04.11.08 at 9:59 pm. No link to buy the book? Isn't that just common courtesy? 57. Youffraita 04.11.08 at 10:43 pm. Haven't read The Wasp Factory but I've ...